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Showing posts with label YouTube Tips & Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube Tips & Tricks. Show all posts
December 18, 2019

10 Unique YouTube Tips for New and Small YouTubers

youtube tips for beginners, how to start a youtube channel, youtube tips for success, how to grow youtube channel, youtube video ideas, how to make money on youtube, youtube for beginners 2020, youtube channel tips
10 Unique YouTube Tips for New and Small YouTubers

YouTube Tips for Beginners

I'm gonna give you 10 tips specifically for new YouTubers to help you grow your channel and we're starting right now.

If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos and all types of other YouTube related stuff, you are at the right place.

Okay, I get it, you're a new YouTuber, you are trying to get the ball rolling, you're trying to figure all this stuff out and there's a lot to learn.

So I'm gonna give you 10 things for you to keep in mind that are gonna help you grow your YouTube channel.

Advice for New and Small YouTube

Number 1

Starting with number one, it's all up to you. Here's the thing, the reason I say it's all up to you is because at the end of the day, it's all up to you.

I can give you tips all day long, I can tell you how to get more watch time, how to get more views, how to get subscribers, and all that stuff. But if you don't apply and if you don't take action and try to improve this stuff yourself and take personal responsibility, then you're probably gonna have a hard time there on YouTube.

It's important to remember that your success is up to you, when it comes to motivation, it's up to you, when it comes to the discipline that kind of overrides motivation, it's up to you too.

When it comes to learning how all this stuff works which is why you're watching this video in the first place, when it comes to that, it's up to you to make sure that you learn and that you also apply what you learn so that you can give yourself the best chance of succeeding here.

And application, actually applying the information that you learn is extremely important because just learning and hearing the information isn't enough, you gotta do it.

Number 2

It's important to tap into or learn to tap into all of YouTube's discovery systems. Here's what I mean.

On YouTube, there are several different ways that YouTube presents your content to other people. They have YouTube search, browse features, suggestion features.

They have all of that stuff and it's your job as a content creator to figure out how to get traffic from all of them. And I'm gonna tell you right now how to do it.

Basically search traffic comes down to optimizing your videos for search and what that means is basically you're using titles that people are actually looking for and you're putting that title in your description when you're describing your video, and you're also using tags that also help describe what's happening in the title.

So in a nutshell, what you're doing is you are basically picking a keyword or a phrase that you are trying to make your video show up when somebody searches for that particular keyword or phrase.

As part of that search side of things, your thumbnail and your title is extremely important because if people are not clicking at those at a respectable rate, then YouTube isn't gonna show your content when people are looking for stuff.

I have already written an article about the bestest Best image editing softwares.
Your ability to keep people watching your video and keep people interacting in your video. This can be in terms of comments, liking, disliking and sharing your video.

These are all also important factors when it comes to getting a video to show up in search. And another thing that's helpful when it comes to showing up in search is making sure that you're actually going after the right topics.

It means the topics you actually have a chance to show up in search for.

You should try to get into the browse features and the suggested videos.

Now, how do you do that ?

YouTube is going to connect your videos topically to other videos which will pull you into suggested only if people are clicking on your thumbnails and titles at a high rate. And they're coming in and they're watching your video for a respectable amount of time.

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

I am.

When it comes to browse features, the same exact thing applies.

Thumbnails, titles, keep people watching, keep people engaging in your content. If you don't know how to do all that stuff, TubeBuddy has the thing to help you. It makes sure that your thumbnails are on point.

Number 3

The third tip which is gonna be kind of rippled from what I just said. It is extremely important to learn how to keep people watching your videos. And YouTube actually makes it pretty easy for us to identify the things that make people leave and the things that make people stay. If you're a new YouTuber, you may or may not know that inside of your analytics and YouTube admin panel.

You actually have access to something called the Audience Retention reports.

Now in the Audience Retention reports, it actually shows you second-by-second how people respond to each piece of content that you upload so that you can look at that and you can identify problem areas.

Once you identify those problem areas, then you can say hey, what I noticed is when I do this particular thing in my videos, people tend to leave. And then when I do these particular things, people seem to rewind or they seem to basically just stay in the video.

But analyzing your Audience Retention reports and taking notes on the things that you think make people stay or make people leave is really important. Because over time, you're gonna start to notice patterns and then when you notice those patterns, you can experiment.

You can make videos with or without those things so that you can confirm or deny?

I mean disprove the theories that you have about why people stay or why people go. But anyway, YouTube gives us all of that information inside of those Audience Retention reports so that you can make sure that you can learn over time how to keep your viewers watching.

Number 4

Your thumbnails and titles are like 90% of the game. If you can't make good thumbnails and titles, then nobody's ever gonna get to your videos because your thumbnails and your titles suck. What I mean by that is you can have the best video in the entire world, it is the best video on earth. But if people are not clicking on that video and they're not coming in and watching it, then nobody's ever gonna know.

However, if your video is okay or it's at least as good as the other people who are making videos on the same topics but your thumbnails and your titles are awesome, you're gonna get views and your channel is gonna grow.

But it's important that you spend the time making sure that the thumbnails and titles that you are making are effective.

That's one of the things that that TubeBuddy tool that I showed you a little bit ago will actually help you do with their A/B Testing tool.

Number 5

Your presentation matters, how you communicate on camera is a huge thing.

So with thumbnails and titles being like 90% of the game, presentation is also 90% of the game. One of the things that you can do to keep your viewers watching for a longer period of time is to present in an engaging way. I don't mean that you're being crazy, I don't mean that you're being even high energy but you need to be able to communicate in a way that people respond to.

Across different niches, what you need to do is you need to study how people in your niche communicate, the channels that are doing really well, you need to study how they communicate, how do they present in their videos? And then you need to say, okay, well this is how they present their videos, I think it's fantastic or I think it sucks, I think I can do better, whatever it happens to be but that's just going to give you a standard.

Once you know that standard, then you can try to go above that standard or just experiment to see if you can do it in a unique or better way. But if your presentation needs a lot of work, then you're gonna see it in your Audience Retention reports. And it's up to you to make sure that you keep trying to refine your presentation in order to be able to make the best possible YouTube video.

October 13, 2019

How to Speak Well on Camera ?

How to Speak Well on Camera ?

How to be good on camera ?

When it comes to making videos, there's one big hurdle that keeps people away from doing it.

That is feeling like you're not very good on camera.

But I'm here to tell you you are good on camera.

You just have to be yourself.

I know that's easier said than done, but I have seven points that you need to live by if you want to be good on camera.

I'm going to get into those today.

Number 1 :

The first point is play.

Play around on camera.

Talk about something you're really interested in, and only watch it back by yourself.

Make a note of the little things that work and don't work, and mannerisms that you like and you dislike.

I guarantee you'll surprise yourself with how well you come across.

Then once you feel comfortable, also show your close friends and family.

They know you best, so they know if you're not really being yourself on camera.

They can give you some really valuable feedback to improve your presentation.

Another great way to play around on camera is using apps like Periscope and Snapchat.

With Periscope, you're live.

All you have to do is just turn it on and start talking and interacting with
your audience and your community.

That's a great way to get a little bit of practice.

Same with Snapchat.

There's no pressure of editing with
Snapchat, so just get used to yourself on camera, used to hearing yourself on camera.

Over time, you will improve.

Number 2 :

The second point is personalized.

This may sound a little bit crazy, but when I was in broadcasting school, one of the little tricks that I was taught was to put a photo of somebody that I loved and felt really comfortable with on the camera or on the microphone.

It helps you visualize that you're speaking to just that one person as opposed to just this big audience that's going to be watching your video.

That's a great way to feel a little more comfortable and a little bit more
like yourself and having more intimate conversation.

At the end of the day, the goal is for each person in your audience who's watching your video to feel like you're only talking to them.

Number 3 :

The third point is pace.

I'm often criticized for being a fast talker, but this is actually just my normal pace of

However, believe it or not, I often remind myself, just in my head, to slow down a little bit, because I know not everyone is used to this pace, and it can be a little too much, too fast.

Whatever your normal pace of talking is, whenever you're on camera, nerves and things can affect it and make you talk a little faster.

In your head, just remind yourself to slow down and breathe.

The next thing is adding excitement.

When you're on camera, and you're talking about something you're passionate about, your audience needs to see that.

Wherever your excitement level at,
add about 10% to that.

Make it seem authentic and genuine.

Another great tip is just to smile and be a little more approachable because that smile allows you to sound a little more excited about it and a little bit more happy about what you're talking about.

Nobody wants to watch someone on
camera who's a Debbie Downer.

Remember that.

Number 4 :

The fourth P is to pretend.

I am not saying to copy anybody, but everybody has their favorite people that they watch online or on TV.

Watch them and dissect what they do and what it is you like about their presentation.

Make some notes, and try and incorporate that into your own on camera presence.

This would help you to speak well on camera.

Number 5 :

The fifth point is pretty simple.

It's passion.

If you're not passionate and interested in
what you're talking about, it's going to be really hard for your audience to be passionate and interested in what you're saying.

Whether it's the script or the wording or whatever else that's maybe not working or feeling right to you, make it work for you so that you come across as being genuinely
interested in the subject matter and not just a talking head.

October 13, 2019

How to Rank YouTube Videos on First Page of Google ?

how to rank youtube videos on google

How to Rank YouTube Videos on Google ?

YouTube search plays a big role in growing our channels, right?

And it turns out there is a very similar traffic source that we can easily tap into.

I am talking about Google search.

And Morningfame now has Google search support built right in.

So let me teach you how to rank your videos on Google.

I bet many of you are pretty new to the whole Google SEO thing.

So I talked to you and collected the 5 main points that basically tell you everything you need to know in order to tap into Google search traffic.


Are you ready to drive more views?

Let’s go!

Number 1:

This is a new opportunity!

You may have already seen that if you google something a video carousel may show up.
This video carousel is quite old actually.

Google introduced it in July 2018. So 15 months ago.

And this video carousel doesn’t only make the search results look nicer.

The Google search algorithm actually works in a way that the videos in the carousel are ranked independently from the website results below.

These videos do not compete with the website results.

That means that this video carousel gives our videos prime real estate to show up.

Isn’t that cool?

You can rank your videos directly and don’t have to worry about the standard Google SEO at all.

You only need to understand how the video carousel works.

And I’ll explain you more about it in a minute.

But let me point out one thing first.

Up until now the standard strategy to get Google traffic is to create a website, embed our videos on that website, and this way people google, find our website, watch our embedded videos, and our videos get more views.

But nowadays with the video carousel in place we don’t need a website anymore.

We can rank our videos directly on Google.

Of course don’t get me wrong.

If you have a website which has a lot of traffic then it’s a really good idea to embed your videos and make use of that.

But I know many of you don’t have a website and no time to set one up.

So you can really skip this step now and you will see shortly with barely any extra effort just rank your video directly on Google.

Number 2:

Google ranks videos differently.

Let’s search for “how to title your youtube videos” on YouTube and Google.

Small channels do have a good chance to rank on Google as well.

And if we look more closely it gets even more interesting.

When you search "how to title your youtube videos", you will see the first and third spots show different videos.

Why that difference?

Well, Google has a different goal when ranking videos.

Google is intent driven whereas YouTube is watch time driven.

YouTube wants viewers to watch YouTube as long as possible.

And if a video creates long watching sessions then it ranks high on YouTube.

Google on the other hand looks at the intent of the person who is googling.

What does that person want?

Usually it’s getting an answer to a question.
And this VIDISEO video turns out to answer the question of “how to title your youtube videos” the best.

Knowing that Google’s video carousel doesn’t care about watch time but instead wants to link to the best possible answer, well, knowing that gives you an advantage.

You can increase the chance to rank high on Google by answering the question you optimize your video for as best as you can.

Number 3:

The question is, who can benefit from Google?

Ranking videos in Google’s video carousel is not for everyone.

There are channels which are not search driven to begin with.

They don’t really make videos to answer a question.

But surprisingly many channels can and already do benefit from Google.

I looked at 2000 channels and 70% of them already drive significant Google search traffic.

1 out of 3 channels even drive 5% or more of their total traffic via Google.

That makes it a major traffic source for them.

And if you want to know where your own channel stands then go to Morningfame’s keyword research tool and open the menu.

There you can see – like for my channel,
for example – that I get 12% of my total traffic from Google. Nearly as much as I get from YouTube search.

It really is a huge factor for growing my channel.

Number 4:

So how do you do it?

It’s super easy actually.

You do your YouTube SEO like you always do.

There is only one tiny extra step you do for Google.

And everything else stays the same.

As you know, you start your regular YouTube SEO with choosing the right target search term.

You enter for example “how to rank youtube videos on google” on YouTube.

This is a commonly used search term on YouTube and Morningfame would give it a green check. So far nothing new.

Now you go over to Google and search for this search term, too.

It appears in the search bar suggestions as well and thus it’s also a commonly used search term on Google.

Morningfame gives it a green double check by the way.

That double check is for search terms that are commonly used on YouTube and Google.

And finally when we look at the Google search results, we can see that there is a video carousel for this search term.

Bingo! That’s a great search term to rank on both YouTube and Google.

Now, all you need to do is to optimize the metadata for your video as you always do.

That’s it.

It’s really that simple.
July 21, 2019

How to download a YouTube video ?

Hello friends, today in this article, we will talk about how to download a YouTube video directly into your phone's internal storage, SD card or gallery.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

1.Open the YouTube app or website.
2.Go to a video you would like to download to your SD card.
3.Copy the link of the video.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

4.Download videoder app and paste the copied link in videoder and click on download icon.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

5. Select the video quality of the video which you want to be downloaded in your SD card or internal storage.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

6. Your video will be downloaded soon in your internal storage.

1.Open the YouTube app or website.
2.Go to a video you would like to download to your SD card.
3.Copy the link of the video.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

4.Open it on browser which you use.
5. Write ss in place of 'm.' and reload it.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

6. Select the video quality.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

7. Click on download.
how to download youtube videos in mobile, how to download youtube videos without any software

8. Your video will be downloaded in your phone's internal storage.

Don't forget to share this article with your friends who don't know how to download a YouTube video directly into your phone's internal storage, SD card or gallery.

May 28, 2019

25 ways to get first 1000 subscribers on YouTube

Hello friends, today I am going to share 25 ways to get your first 1000 subscribers.
So guys, as you know that getting first 1000 subscribers on YouTube is very difficult.
To reach this milestone, you have to work hard for it.
You should produce great content and make your videos ruthlessly at the beginning of your channel.
Do not get demotivated if you are not getting views, upload great content consistently and you will get the reward.
So, in this post I have tried to get you to the 1000 subscribers easily and fastly. Read the full post so that you can reach that milestone easily.
How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube

1. Customize Your YouTube Channel

You should optimize your YouTube channel by customizing your channel art, adding a video to your home page like recent video, channel trailer, etc. You should also customize your channel logo.
This will attract the viewers as quality channel art, channel logo will define your content and the viewers might subscribe you.

3. Optimize Description of Your Videos

Take your description seriously. Provide detailed information in the description about the contents of your video and add relevant tags in it as well. Use keywords wisely, do not jam them into every sentence so that it will confuse the reader.

4. Optimize Tags of Your Videos

Optimize tags of your videos by making use of tools like TubeBuddy. These will help your videos rank in search results. This is an extra way for YouTube to better understand what your video is about so don’t leave them empty. If your videos rank in search results, it is sure that you will get views and this will also help you in gaining subscribers.

5. Channel Trailer

Create a small and attractive channel trailer that contains all about your channel.
The channel trailer will be shown to your non-subscribed viewers and when they will watch it, they will know about your channel and might subscribe to your channel.This will also give the new viewers an idea what your channel is about.

6. Upload Videos Consistently

Being consistent is important if you want to get subscribers. Upload videos consistently as the viewers usually don't like the channels that don't upload videos consistently. The viewers want to see more of your videos. It will drive engagement of viewers on your channel. A regular publishing schedule can draw viewers back to your channel to watch more.

7. Giveaway

This is also a big factor in gaining subscribers. Do giveaways of YouTube gears, t-shirts with YouTube logo mobile phones and many more things. Give them tasks to get entry in giveaway like subscribe to your channel, watch your one or two videos and many more tasks you can give them. This will increase your subscribers and views as well as engagement of your viewers to the channel.

8. Create Quality Content

Upload high and great great quality content videos on your channel. This will increase engagement of your channel.
The viewers will like your quality content and subscribe to you.

9. Make Quality Thumbnail

Thumbnail is probably the biggest factor in getting views. If your thumbnail is good and attractive that viewers will click on your video by watching your thumbnail. But not only quality thumbnail matters, the quality of your content also matter.Better thumbnails will attract the viewers to watch your videos. And so as your videos start getting views, you will also get subscribers and this will increase engagement of your channel.

10. Call to action

Make use of call to action. Prompt your viewers to subscribe you at start or end of your videos. Invite your users to subscribe at the end of your video so they can receive even more awesome videos like the one they just watched.

11. Upload Videos Around a Single Topic

There are seen a lot that many channels upload videos on many different topics and because of this, some of their subscribers want to see the videos of a certain topic. So they don't watch your other videos of different topics. So you will not get views according to your subscribers count.

12. Make Use of Cards in Your Videos

You can use cards to link to other videos and playlists so that the viewers watch your other videos. You can also use cards in older videos to highlight your most recent uploads. It will prompt your viewers watch your other videos.

13. Add End Screens to Promote Your Videos

End screens can be added to the last 5 to 20 seconds of a video. You can use them to promote other videos, encourage viewers to subscribe, and more. By adding end screen, you can prompt the viewers to watch your other videos and subscribe you and you can get more views.

14. Make Use of YouTube Analytics

Make right use of YouTube Analytics to get subscribers as  you can see which videos are producing the most number of subscribers, and once you can see which types of videos are bringing you in subscribers, just keep making more videos just like that.

15. Join Forums

Make use of forums like quora, reddit, etc.
Go to forums and groups concerning the topics you have covered within your videos, and link your that video to the answer. Link people to your videos that want answer those same questions and you will instantly have more viewers and subscribers.

16. Add Watermark to Your Videos

Youtube provides a feature called watermark which let you add a watermark that could be shown on all your videos and at all the time. This adds another way for your viewers to subscribe to your channel.

17. Create Playlists

If there is multiple videos around a certain topic on your YouTube channel or if you have different types of videos you should organize them in a playlist. This makes it easier for viewers to continue watching the videos they like and they will want more and more of your videos and will subscribe to you.

18. Make Use of Hashtags

Make use of hashtags of the your channel and the topic your video is covering about. You can also use hashtags of popular YouTuber. This will increase chances of your video getting into the search list and you may get views and if you will get views, it is automatic that your subscribers will also increase.

19. Create a unique intro for your videos

Create a unique intro for your videos to strengthen your brand and show a few highlights of your most popular videos. This will give new viewers an idea what your channel is about, even if they never visited your channel to watch your channel trailer. This will also make your video more engaging and entertaining.

20. Create A Unique Outro for Your Videos

Create a unique outro for your videos and do give the viewers about what the next video is all about. Add end screen to the outro and ask to the viewers to subscribe your channel, like and share your channel.

21. Ask friends and family to subscribe, watch and share your videos

Ask your friends and family to subscribe, watch and share your videos. Your first 1000 subscribers are the hardest to get. Your friends and family will want to help you get started and once you break the 100 subscriber barrier your videos will get ranked better on Youtube so you can organically grow your audience further.

22. Promote Your YouTube Videos on Other Social Sites

Promoting your YouTube videos on your other social channels is the easiest way to grow your audience. After uploading a video to your YouTube channel, upload some part of the video to other social sites and give the link of your YouTube video. You can also share the video on the big creator's social page or page about the topic your video is covering about.

23. Comment on other channels’ recent videos

You should comment on the recent videos of youtubers who are in the same niche as you. Leave a positive comment on their channel. If other commenters regularly see you comment or if they see your channel name, thumbnail and description, they will be curious about what kind of videos you post and so, they will check out your channel.

24. Embed Your YouTube Videos on Your Blog or Website

Write a post on the topic on which you have made your video and add your video on your post. This will not only increase your views, subscribers and watch time but also the engagement of your website.

25. Use Annotations to Link Viewers to Related Videos

It is a feature provided by YouTube in which you can promote your other videos on your own videos. Use Youtube’s annotation tool to add annotations to your videos. It’s important that these annotations are relevant and don’t irritate your viewers.